
Friday, August 25, 2023

Cybersecurity Talent Initiative: Applications now open

Students in undergraduate or graduate degree programs in a cybersecurity-related field, such as computer science, engineering, information systems and mathematics, are ideal candidates for this program.


We're helping government recruit and train the next generation of cybersecurity talent.

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Recruiting a world-class cyber workforce 

Applications are open now to join the Cybersecurity Talent Initiative®, a selective opportunity for students or recent graduates in cybersecurity-related fields to launch a career in cybersecurity and:

  • Gain access to vital public sector work experience.
  • Develop a cross-sector cyber professional network.
  • Build leadership skills.


Why apply?


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Two-year government placement: Work in a cyber-related role at a federal agency for two years. 

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Mentorship: Develop management and leadership skills with support from senior mentors in the public and private sectors.


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Long-term professional opportunities: Network with public and private sector program partners to identify post-program professional opportunities. 

Join the exclusive ranks of digital defenders who protect our nation from global cyber threats.


Visit our website to learn more and start your application today.