
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Local positions with Washington Township



Washington Township, Westmoreland County, is hiring a Secretary/Treasurer for the Municipal Authority of Washington. This is a full time on-site administrative and clerical position. The employee is responsible for the maintenance of Authority records, seeing that business is properly transacted, and ensuring that the problems and questions of citizens are attended to.

Qualifications: Knowledge of office methods and procedures; Ability to learn and apply a variety of laws, ordinances, rules, requirements, and procedures applicable to Township business; Proficiency in use of computers, email, standard office equipment, Word, Excel, GIS, and Accounting software programs; Ability to communicate effectively, including orally and written.

Please send resume to 285 Pine Run Church Road, Apollo, PA 15613, or email to For a complete job description, contact 724-727-3515.



Summer Road Worker

Applications are being accepted for a “Summer Road Worker” by the Washington Township, Board of Supervisors.  Applicants must be 18 or older, have a valid PA driver’s license and pass a drug test.  Job consists of manual labor.  Applications may be received from the Municipal Building, 285 Pine Run Church Road, Apollo, Monday-Friday, 9 am to 4 pm.