Part-time job at Nick Chevrolet. We are looking to hire a cashier from 8-4 every Saturday. The job is very easy. Answering an occasional phone call or using the credit card machine a few times. Our previous cashiers actually spent most of the day doing their homework from their college classes.
Are you or someone you know interested in being a receptionist/cashier? We’re looking for someone that has communication/organization skills, has experience dealing with money, and wants to work in a fun environment.
This is a part-time job, covering the Saturday shifts. They are laid back and include a free lunch! Pay starts at $10/hr with potential opportunities for additional days during the week.
Duties include:
-Answering phones -Giving change -Running credit cards -Filing papers
This job is ideal for someone who is:
-reliable -motivated -trustworthy
If interested, please call (724) 224-2700, message us on Facebook, or stop in for more information. We can’t wait to meet you! Please share with your friends!